With every opportunity, with every connection, we unify our community through lasting friendships:

We serve our community of adults with special needs.

Looking for connections?
Join us for our group events.

Looking to support us?
Make a donation here.

Creating opportunities for individuals with special needs through guidance and social connection

Get personal

Our goal is to build genuine relationships.

This means honoring individual needs, values, strengths, weaknesses, an goals in order to come alongside each person and lead them to their next step in growth and development.

Cultivate self improvement

  • Set goals
  • Foster positive behavior and positive thinking
  • Establish conditions for self-motivation
  • Encourage independence and a more active role in decisions about his/her life
  • Recognize, manage, and express emotions, desires, and opinions
  • Nurture self-awareness, self-efficacy, self-esteem, self-regulation, confidence, resilience, and self-actualization
  • Adapt to the changes

Connect with each other and the community

  • Gain social experience and interpersonal skills
  • Practice cooperation and conflict resolution
  • Cultivate an awareness of others and our surroundings
  • Build and strengthen relationships with family, friends, and community
  • Increase genuine participation and contribution within social settings and activities
  • Provide opportunities to contribute to the community
  • Advocate human rights for people with special needs, including equality, individual dignity, choices, and respect

Learn, practice,
and improve skills

  • Practice life skills
  • Problem-solve, while working towards goals
  • Gain mastery over new challenges
  • Take in new experiences
  • Enhance creativity

Be active

Physical well-being and mental well-being go hand in hand, so we promote a healthy lifestyle with a variety of activities.

Our Location

We primarily serve communities in and around
Collin County, TX.

We would love to hear from you!